ספרים בהוצאת סיפור פשוט

From the Depths of My Heart I Called You My Love


Can true love be found after long years of separation?

Two young women graduating from high school, best friends, find their relationship deepening into a warm and nurturing love that is suddenly squashed by Lili’s shocked mother. They are torn apart by this discovery and Lili is devasted by the loss. She is forced to continue her life on the narrow, conventional path, but it takes its toll.

She fades into madness and is forced into the psychiatric ward. Her tortured soul conjures up the image of the love of her youth, who had disappeared from her life and been erased from her memory. This dream keeps her from the arms of insanity and gives her strength. She collects the fragments of her soul and is discharged from the hospital.

She sets off on a fascinating search for her lost love.

Lily cannot rest until she finds the one who once shared her soul.

על הסופר

חני כהן

חני כהן, אם לארבעה ילדים בוגרים, אחות במקצועה. מילדותה אהבה לכתוב ולספר סיפורים. מאמינה בכוחו של האדם לרפא את עצמו בעזרת אנשים בחייו, תוך הקשבה לסביבתו ולפנימיותו. Chani Cohen is a storyteller. Even as a child she loved to write and

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