ספרים בהוצאת סיפור פשוט

Connecting Beyond: Observing & Learning Relationships


Connecting Beyond is a book about people. It is about the connection that we cannot see – but we can feel. The author writes about her childhood – growing up in a traditional family who emigrated from Yemen to Israel. She focuses on the relationships in her family as well as in her community.
As a child she looked curiously at what was happening, and her insightfulness and perceptions about relationships are dealt with in her personal life journey. As an adult, she became a therapist, helping people to deal with different issues, but mainly with relationship challenges.
Following a crisis in her own personal relationship, she created a unique, original, and tangible model. This model shows an analogy between the functions of the human body's connective tissue and personal relationships.
The book provides practical tools and actual examples of how to improve and deepen personal relationships

על הסופר

גילה בלפר

A social worker by training, Gila Belfair lectures before diverse audiences on The Connecting Beyond model. Gila also facilitates workshops and conducts individual and couple therapy. She studied Gestalt therapy, couple, and Imago therapy and is a trainer in NLP

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