Born in 1942. Served in the army as an officer in a commando troop and as a commander in the Israeli Arabs wars. Amir has BA degree in sociology and history and second degree in MBA from Tel Aviv Univ. Amir was a teacher and school principal for 6 years and trained as an organizational consultant in Ruppin College. Amir worked for more than 30 years as an OD consultant, both in the private and the public sectors. He also managed an O.D. company and accompanied as consultant the Kibbutz transformation. He was twice elected and served as general manager of his kibbutz. During his career Amir served as an emissary (agent) in central Europe dealing with Jewish education. Amir published three books in leadership, OD and change. Amir finished his doctoral studies in education management and organizational development in U.C. Santa Barbara USA and post doctorate in O.D. consultation at UCLA. Since than Amir combines consulting and teaching as senior lecturer in the academy.
Mastering Organizational Change: Theory and Practice
This book is the fruit of more than 30 years, of the author experience, in organizational consultation in many and different kinds of organizations: private