ספרים בהוצאת סיפור פשוט

Children's book: Hailey's white dress


Hailey has a secret to success. Her secret is… determination.
This is a beautifully illustrated lovely children’s book, which tells the story of a young girl with a true joy for life and a great love of dresses. One day she receives a present- a beautiful, special dress that she decides to save for a special occasion- her birthday.
Hailey’s birthday arrives and she is very excited to wear her white dress. During the party, she finds a spot on her beloved dress. What happens when everyone tells her the stain won’t come off?
This is not only a wonderful story to read to your children, but also a simple story for kids who read on their own, with a very special message about determination.
This book is truly not to be missed.

על הסופר

סיגלית בנבנישתי

Sigalit Benbenishti is a naturopath who assists people in acquiring healthy habits using natural nutrition. She helps women who suffer from acute and chronic pain and women who suffer from chronic diseases, by providing them with personal guidance, support and

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