The “My Money Box”, deals in spending habits.
We accompanied our fathers on a shopping trip to the supermarket. On the way, we found a couple of things that we absolutely had to have. However, after talking with them about spending, budgets, and savings, we made quite a different purchase. Could a simple shopping trip enhance our awareness of resource sharing and resource allocation? Or did our intuitive familiarity with the notions of prioritizing and postponement of gratification lead us to a new appreciation of the possibilities of investments? How did we come to learn of the value of money?
We know that your children also go shopping with you. By reading this book, you will learn of ways to maximize the experience. Help them deepen their commitment to the family unit while becoming more conscious of the importance of financial planning.
עופרה פלד
At present, I work as CEO of Policy Check. This company reviews life and senior executives’ insurance policies in order to find past calculation errors that translate into amounts owed to policy owners at present. My educational qualifications prepared me